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Social media cheat sheet for video specs

by Dissolve on Mar 15, 2019 3:30:00 AM

Tired of tracking down video specs for each social media channel? So were we. Here are the pertinent video specs for our most-used channels.

Model releases 101

by Dissolve on Feb 6, 2017 4:02:34 AM

You probably didn’t get into filmmaking or photography for the paperwork, but a model release should be an essential piece of your gear bag. It’s a simple legal document specifying that you and the model agree on the ways...

Making a video is a bit like dating

by Dissolve on May 8, 2014 10:46:37 AM

In the wake of the success of This Is a Generic Brand Video, TELUS spoke to our CEO, Patrick Lor, about engaging your audience and, yes, creating a viral video. While we don’t believe you can just go ahead and make a viral...

Hourglass storytelling

by Dissolve on Dec 5, 2013 3:37:09 AM

Ever since humans put symbols on cave walls, stories have been a powerful means of communication. On rock or paper, in song or dance, performed on stage or told around a fire, stories build communities, capture the...